Just open the Bible and start on page one.
It's that simple.
Keep it simple.
You'd be surprised how many people don't start with the obvious: Open the Bible and start reading... on page 1.
Okay, so you might get more out of the experience if you are more prepared. May we make some suggestions?
Take time to focus.
Set your presuppositions aside.
Let Scripture do the talking.
Carve some time out of your day to read without any distractions. What's the point of reading the most important words ever recorded, if you aren't giving it your all? With 45,000+ denominations, it's easy to see that many people misunderstand what they are reading. You'll already have an edge because you're starting from page 1.
You've probably been exposed to a lot of "Christian" or "Biblical" interpretations. Some you've heard may be accurate, but this journey is about putting all that aside and finding out what is really in the Bible, right? Don't forget what you have learned, but intentionally put it to the side before you read so it can properly be examined when the time comes.
Most of the time, Scripture is clear and to the point—especially when it's about what we as humans are instructed to do. So let Holy Scripture do the talking. You've already put your presuppositions aside, so you're poised to let the Bible say what is has to say. Good on you.
Be curious.
You're on a quest to see what this ancient text really has to say, right? Well, be curious. This is going to be fun. And it's completely relevant to our lives today.
You won't always understand.
You're not going to understand everything you read. Matter of fact, you're not going to like everything you read. That's okay. Write your questions down and prayerfully ask God for the answers. Then keep reading. You'll most likely get your answer very soon.
Take notes.
You'll want these. It will also cause you to slow down and really think about what you're reading. Retaining what you learn will be an added bonus.
You're more than capable.
There is nothing wrong with asking for help along the way; in many cases, you should. However, more often than not, much of the advice regarding the understanding of Scripture comes with presuppositions you don't need clouding your brain as you figure it out on your own. You're more than capable of understanding Holy Scripture on your own if you take what you're reading at its word. Simply put, if Scripture expresses an idea or instruction clearly—you should take it for what it says.
What should you be looking for?
You probably want to hunt for answers to these every time you open the Bible...
Who is God ? (What are God's characteristics?)
What is right and what is wrong?
What are God's desires?
What does God like and what does he dislike?
How are we supposed to live?
Pro Tip: Search for the "image of God." Ask yourself, what are the ways of Almighty God? You'll soon find out, that's exactly how he wants you to live—you were made in his image, after all. Right? If you're too curious, learn more here.
"Messiah is the same yesterday, today, and forever."